Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Daughter's First & Hopefully Last, Sobriety Test...

Ashton had to have her nose cauterized yesterday due to her frequent nosebleeds. We kept trying to get her to tell people she was having her nose done! The scary part was they had to put her to sleep in order to do it well. Jon and I left all the boys at home with Nana, at 5:45 a.m.! It was nice getting to spend some time with just our baby girl. She was so brave.

We were all having way too much fun, especially when they brought her the giggle juice. I'm embarassed to tell you how much fun we had laughing at our silly girl. We were having her do the sobriety test of touching her nose and counting backwards from 10. It got really funny as the medicine started kicking in. She asked Jon why he had 3 eyes! When counting she got to 6 and said, "I didn't know there were so many 6's!" In true Ashton fashion, she never stopped talking though the words got more and more slurred until she said, "This stuff makes me talk weird." We took lots of sad, but hilarious videos. The highlight was Jon and I trying to get an inert girl on the potty! I wish I had a video of that.

Anyway, the procedure went great, though she doesn't remember much. It was the most fun and most expensive date Jon and I have ever had! Wow, scary!

Anyway, you know I had camera in hand, so:

Here she is at arrival with her comfort doggy she got to bring from home. Every time a nurse asked what its name was it changed from Carlita to Carla and more. Her puppy even got her own armband and got to try out the giggle juice first! Sporting the "costume":
It was quite a job for mommy to fit all her hair in that flimsy hat!
Those of you who know my aggravating husband probably think he insitgated the DUI test, but I'm afraid this photo proves otherwise:
His laughter: at his silly, drunk daughter (again, hopefully the 1st and last time!);
Her laughter- hey, they don't call it giggle juice for nothing!
Here is our brave girl giving the princess wave as they took her back.
And here she is all fixed and no worse for the wear! Everything went great and it didn't even seem to slow her down. The only thing was that right after we got home she just got mean. She went through the house turning things over then destroyed Jackson and Daddy's game. After she and I chilled out in her room for a little while, she was great!
Things really did great, and she is going to be so much better without all those nosebleeds. Jon and I are looking forward to another entertaining trip when she possibly goes to get her tonsils out!

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