Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gate Jumping Justified...

For those of you who have been to my home in the last year and have thought, "Is it really necessary for her to have a gate at the door and a gate into the kitchen. I mean it's really inconvenient for me to have to step over them!"

To you who have asked that I say #1: Quit your whining. I gate hop about 376 times a day and if carrying twins didn't ruin my hip bones for all time then hopping their gates have. I won't even mention the 2 dozen times I haven't cleared the gate and fallen down flat taking gate and various bystanding children with me!

#2 A funny side note here: I know there is a gate about 2 feet inside the door. When I welcome you into my home that implies you may come over the gate. You do not have to stay in the entryway. Seriously, no one comes all the way in any more!

3. Anywho, back to your question: are they necessary? Let's see what happens if they are down for about 30 seconds:

Yes, the gates were down for all of 30 seconds and this is what I found. You will notice several interesting things in this picture:
1: Big sis is laughing and in no way trying to stop it or warn me of what's happening.

2. Will is obviously gifted and only wants to be involved in the math lesson that was taking place and in no way is trying to be a table dancer :)

3. Will is not making eye contact with me or the camera because he know he's being naughty and like all peek-a-booing toddlers everywhere is a firm believer in the "if I can't see them they can't see me" philosophy.

4. Wesley, unlike his brother, is not interested in scaling Mount Table and is in fact headed to the laundry room to get his beloved broom that he always makes a beeline for to do some sweeping. Come to think of it, maybe I should let him out of the gate more often!

Before you feel too sorry for these children who spend their lives entrapped, I can assure you these two little Houdinis have their ways:

Hey, I'm using this gate thing as long as it works, although I can see their days are numbered.
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