Friday, October 23, 2009

Ballet Portraits...

My talented friend Amy again took A's ballet pictures before her recital this year- in June, and well let's just say don't call either of us if you want things done immediately! So here, 4 months later are her pictures. They are so worth the wait I'm sure!
This year's ballet was so fluffy and beautiful!

You have to be a little sassy in the tap. I think it's the fringe. I was thrilled because she tapped to the same song I tapped to in my recital when I was younger. I was sassy in my fringe too I'm sure!
Then when you get to wear this and jazz dance to "Fabulous" from HSM2 you get to be
a whole lot sassy!

I can live with sassy (most days) as long as there is a little bit of this mixed in!

I have to post these pictures to continue convincing myself ballet is worth the great expenditure :) Now if I could just get them developed this decade...

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