Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Fun...

As with all holidays, we packed lots of fun traditions into the weekend including dying eggs! I love when they love each other and pray it continues!
The boys thought they were for eating, of course.
Three years ago Jon taught them that the cracked ones were for throwing. Now, they break them on purpose and would rather have an egg fight than decorate them. Whuch is fine until one gets thrown at me and my good camera...
Everyone who saw Ashton Sunday wanted to know how her hair got so curly. We did it old school! While we watched out new movie, Enchanted, I rolled her damp hair around my finger and pinned it with bobbie pins. It worked a little too well as she was REALLY curly Sunday, but it's beautiful today now that it has relaxed a little. She loved it, and that's all that matters!
The Easter bunny might have gotten a little carried away this year, or maybe he started picking up stuff here and there 2 months ago and didn't realize how much he had until he went to try and fit it in a basket!
At certain times it still shocks and overwhelms Jon and I that we have 4 children like when these baskets spread across the entire fireplace!
As usual, Will is the first to dive in even though it was into his sister's basket!
Ashton loved her Webkinz and all the scrapbooking stuff the Easter bunny must have really had fun buying!
I love this picture. Wesley is eating (of course), and Will is cutting his eyes with a guilty look to see if we are noticing that he's getting into his basket! I anticipate seeing that look much more!
Star Wars stuff is always a hit!
How beautiful!Our coordinating family- what fun! Notice Jon's pink shirt that his daughter talked him into wearing.
After church, it's onto Easter lunch and egg hunt with the Barker Bunch. Ashton and Alexis getting some loot.
Silly boy!
One of my favorite pictures EVER- my beautiful girl and my good-looking baby brother!
Hope your Easter was as perfect as mine!

1 comment:

Dee'Anna said...

Looks like you guys had a great Easter. Miss seeing you!!!
