Yes, I am back from "vacation"- quotes to be explained later when I have much more time and energy. Right now I am needing mommy help. The babies have decided they will not eat baby food anymore, just like that. I have been giving them some table food here and there, but let's be honest it's just easier to feed them baby food especially when I don't get around to cooking dinner until late if at all. I really think my brain has erased all memories from having two children previously because I cannot remember what I fed them. How sad is that? So, I'm asking you to please leave a comment and tell me what your kids' favorite finger foods were. Besides, I have got to do better this time around of raising healthier eaters than my little goldfish diva, so I need your original ideas! The best part is, if they feed themselves that will give me about the hour back that I use up feeding them 3 times! You have no idea how huge that is! I am really trying to restructure here because I have got to have more hours in my day. Stay tuned later in the week for when I ask for advice about bedtime, yikes!
PLEASE leave a comment with your finger food suggestions, that is if you can remember better than me!
Indy Homecoming 2016
8 years ago
Oh the Joys! We are going through this with Lila right now too. I have discovered if we are out and there is not an option but to spoon feed her, I just make sure that I have an extra spoon for her to "feed" herself and make sure that there isn't anything out that she can eat with her fingers. She does ok until she sees something she can eat herself. Luckily I have cooked recently so I have leftovers in the fridge to let her eat herself. Do the boys have lots of teeth yet? Lila has 8 so she can pretty much eat anything. We do lots of strawberry's and bananas, cheese, cottage cheese, waffles, eggs, tortilla's, pasta noodles, and then whatever meat and veggies we eat. Good luck!
Breakfast- Nutrigrain cereal bars, micro mini pankakes, mini muffins, cereals, bananas (other fruits)
Lunch- meats and cheese cut very small, pasta pick ups, Ritz Bitz with cheese, green beans, peas, carrots, lima's, fruits, yogurt (frozen go gurts) applesauce, yogurt rasins
Dinner- see above and whatever we are eating
-Lunch meat (low sodium)
-lots of fruit. Any and every kind I can recognize and pronounce in the grocery. Even canned.
-Bags of frozen veggies steamed in the microwave (broccoli, corn, sweet peas, carrots, cauliflower)
-There are new chicken nuggets at Publix in a turquoise bag that are all natural and for kids.
-Cereal Bars
-Toast strips w/butter and a little jam
-Whole Grain waffles
-Whole grain pancakes
-Cheerios, cheerios, cheerios
-Scrambled eggs or boiled
umm, I think that's all but I'll add if I think of more.
They're boys, they'll eat anything. Jon and I grew up on Beanie Weenies and Pork and Beans and look at our healthy physiques. :) Maybe that just explains our smells. Either way the girls liked the little meat sticks by Gerber, gummi-type juicy snacks, and all kinds of fruits that you can dice up. Glad your home safe, bruiser!
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