Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ballet Recital...

Saturday afternoon it was finally the big day. For the ballerina the fun part was hanging backstage with her friends:

We were also very glad to be dancing right after our sweet friend Leah at her ballet debut:

The miracle of the day was that I actually got in a picture:

Jackson insisted on being the one to present her with her flowers (complete with his new hair gel obsession):

Daddy did a great job buying the flowers again this year:

I had to secure 10 tickets or would've been in big trouble with her many adoring fans, including Aunt Heather (who is now hoping she's having a girl!):

Nana was there of course and gave her a beautiful ballerina necklace:

Gram and GranBobby were there as usual:

And Mawmaw and Aunt Joan got to come for the first time:

Just when we thought the fun was over, we were treated to another performance, lucky us?

3 costumes, 2 hours, 2 awkward hip hop dances, 3 exhausting trips by me to the dressing room for complete costume changes, 10 adoring family members, dozens of pictures, 1?? high recital fee, + 1 beautiful ballerina= priceless.

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1 comment:

Sonja said...

Is Jon doing the correct "wrist, wrist, elbow, elbow" wave of a true princess???

p.s. I'm really behind on blog reading. I'm catching up :)