I went back to the doctor for an ultrasound Wed. and measured great. I really think the new girl that measured me when I got put on bedrest made a mistake. I get remeasured Wed. then see the Dr. I'm hoping to beg to have some restrictions lifted.I just want to be able to fix my kids a pb&j! I had a bad day yesterday feeling like a bad mother to my 2 oldest kids by being a good one for my 2 youngest! It didn't help that Jackson told Jon, "I miss before Mommy had babies in her belly because she could snuggle me. Now her big belly pushes me off the couch." Needless to say, I made sure to snuggle him a lot last night, once I stopped crying! His teacher told Jon that she asked him how I was doing, and he said I was lazy! I guess that is how bedrest looks to a 6 year old!
Not much happening around here except Jackson got picked to play on the 6 year old all-star team. He's SO proud! Ashton on the other hand is loving me on bedrest beacause she's getting to pick out her own clothes. Please keep that in mind if you see her around! I'm now the proud parent of a pre-k and first grade child- wow! (And I'm about to start all over? crazy!).
Poor Jon is looking a little worn out these days. After taking off work to take Jackson to the last day of school and Ashton to ballet he has learned a new respect for what I do daily! He said if any of your husbands don't appreciate you just have them call him! He has really been amazing though! Between him and my wonderful mom helping out the house is actually cleaner than usual! Of course, all of you have been incerdible bringing us dinners and calling to check on me- thanks so much!
Well, I guess I'll continue laying around. Two things have really helped my mental state- Blockbuster rentals that they mail to you and I figured out how to lay on my side and journal in my scrapbooks! At least I'm accomplishing something off my to-do list!