Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Big First...

We, like the rest of the free world, went to see Toy Story 3. We'd been planning for months for this to be Will and Wesley's first movie. I was a little unsure how they would do but shouldn't have been. They did awesome. They sat perfectly still until the furnace part and then sat in our laps, but I don't blame them that part was pretty scary!

(Do you notice their perfectly planned attire- one Woody shirt and one Buzz shirt made by Donnie for Jackson back when the last Toy Story movie came out. It's amazing how many hand me downs I have 2 of that work for the twins, and some of you made fun of me with Jackson when I'd buy things in every color. I think I must have had a twin premonition!)

Of course, the kids all sat between Jon and I. Right when the movie got started Jon and I turned and looked at each other (because we were both pretty excited ourselves). Though we didn't say a word we absolutely knew what the other one just thought at the exact same time! It was another of those "We have 4 kids?????!!!!!" moments as we noticed how far away we were from each other with 4 seats between us! It was so funny and still a little scary! I wonder if it will ever sink in or will we always have those moments? We probably will when 4 college tuition bills hit our mailbox :)

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