I saved my favorite one for last. This actually happened a few months ago, but I've been waiting to blog it to make sure I had the words to make you appreciate the deviousness of this action. This will be our final terrible twos with two post since today is the boys' third birthday!!! Just think I thought I might run out of material for these posts and I am writing my 36th! Unfortunately, I have enough material for even more than that, but that's all I had time to blog about in between cleaning up "accidents" and installing door latches to keep them from going outside alone, again.
So, when we finally took down the gate at the bottom of the stairs since they figured out how to climb over it anyway we realized we had to figure out how to keep them from getting into too much trouble upstairs (i.e. playing in the potty, dumping water out of the sink, destroying Jackson's Lego creations, using Ashton's art supplies, etc.). We decided to lock all the doors upstairs except their bedroom. It actually worked really well until one of us would need to get into, let's say the bathroom, quickly. Jon put the little metal key that you stick in the hole on the door to unlock it at the top of the door where the kids couldn't reach it. One day I was in a hurry and just set the key down instead of putting it back up. By the time I realized what I had done it was gone. We all looked and looked for it put couldn't find it anywhere.
Weeks went by without us finding it so we had to figure another way to unlock the doors. I started using a credit card. I tried not to let any of the kids see what I was doing because it didn't seem prudent to teach the kids how to break into locked doors. I thought I was being sneaky but apparently I wasn't.
One day I was locked in a certain room when I heard the twins banging for me to let them in. When I didn't they ran off, and I heard them come back just seconds later and the lock started rattling. Almost immediately the door opened and they came in showing off their lock picking tools:
Will had the metal key which meant that he took it weeks ago and knew where he had hidden it weeks ago! I believe in a court of law that would easily qualify as premeditation. Just pause and think about the ramifications of a two year old stealing something, listening to his mom asking about it, watching the entire family search for it, remaining quiet then remembering where it was and knowing how to use it at just the right time in less than a minute! It's kept me up at nights :)

Wesley had run and grabbed the credit card I was using which means all those times I thought I was secretly using it to open doors he knew exactly what I was doing. He also knew where I kept it and was able to grab it where I thought I had it hidden in just a few seconds. At least they're both industrious???
Now take a moment to consider the two together. They found a locked door, somehow communicated the need for a key, went separately and both managed to quickly find and use different lock picking techniques! Then of course there was how incredibly proud of themselves they were! All scary stuff, right?!
So, there is photographic evidence of how in trouble and outnumbered I am around here.
Even though this is the last terrible twos with two post, I am under no false illusion that these posts, and more dangerously, the mischievousness behind them is going to stop just because August 8th has arrived. Today we will celebrate surviving to 3 and the amazing gifts these little stinkers are. Tomorrow the terrible threes with two will begin. You are still praying for me, right???
1 comment:
Unbelievable! I'm really glad I only had a terrible two-er one at a time. There is no telling what kind of mischief Rhett would've gotten himself into with another one just like himself. Yikes.
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